About us

Welcome to Yo Moma!

Yo Moma was created in 2016, by a first time mom in Bowmanville,Ontario. This brand is all about creating empowerment for all the Mom's out there. No matter how many children you have, it takes a Queen to raise and army. There aren't any lines drawn in the sandbox of which mother should feel more deserving of empowerment. We all have those days where we need a boost to get our shit done. Whether you are a stay at home mom, a working mom, a married mom, a single mom. We get the things we need done in a day and it works because we are the engine that runs the household. And you do NOT mess with the engine.

That being said sometimes, other's need to be told who is the BOSS.

We hope you in enjoy our brand and clothing. 

Feel free to contact sarah.ostroskie@shopify.com, for any questions, suggestions and career questions you may have.


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